Tasmania | Planning a road trip – where to start
Planning a Tasmania road trip – where to start
So, you want to go to Tasmania. Where do you start? You need to consider myriad things before you jump on a plane or ferry for your island getaway.
Tasmania is like a small, independent country. The weather conditions vary. If you’re searching for the perfect hiking or beach holiday visiting in winter wouldn’t be ideal. Head to tropical Queensland for guaranteed year-round sunshine. If you long for burning log fires, European-style freezing cold days then a winter holiday in Tasmania is perfect.
Hiker vs Sipper
If your trip to Tasmania is for a few days or weeks you don’t want to waste time chasing your tail. If you love to pursue specific activities, map your trip around key sites that satiate those passions. Do you love chilling, sipping wines and bucolic views? Are you an outdoorsy type who prefers to climb mountains? Do your research and head to the locations which align with your travel desires.
First time vs Repeat Visitor
Your list will differ if you are a first-time visitor. Don’t try to do, see and experience everything on your first visit. Pick out the places and experiences which appeal to you and are doable, create a list and prioritize.
Decide on your mode of transport. Are you a coach traveller? Prefer to go Solo? Enjoy being with a group of friends? Prefer self-drive? Tasmania is very doable by car but you may prefer to book a couple of coach tours which will take the headache out of planning and working out how to get from A to B.
Do your research before you travel. You may discover a road trip may tick all your Bucket List boxes. Or, you may find a specific region more appealing. When it comes to planning your trip, it’s probably easier to divide Tasmania into five main regions: The South (includes Tasmania’s capital Hobart), The North (Launceston), The Northwest (Devonport, Burnie), The East Coast, and The Western Wilderness. When researching your sightseeing options, head to Google. TripAdvisor, independent bloggers, Tasmania.com, Pinterest, and Instagram are my first ports of call. If you are a Facebook member, put out a Public Call to ‘Facebookers’ and ask them for their opinions and tips.
What to pack
First and foremost, pack clothes that you can layer. Do remember to pack comfortable walking shoes, breathable socks (for hot days) and winter weather socks. Whether your Tasmanian adventure includes hiking in the wilderness or climbing rocky outcrops, you will need good walking shoes that grip. It’s not unreasonable to expect to find the weather change dramatically as you move from region to region. Do include: a scarf, beanie, waterproof shoes, lightweight coat with hood/rain jacket with hood (umbrellas can be a nuisance, especially in blustery winds), travel puffer jacket that can crunch into a small spot in your suitcase, thermals (t-shirt and leggings) to throw under your clothing for extra warmth.
Tech gear
I never travel without my iPhone, iPad (with movies + e-books already downloaded) and my Anker charger (in fact, I never go anywhere without, ever!). Do pack a power board. Great for charging multiple items including camera batteries.
Camera gear
My iPhone is my camera. Monty is a photographer. He always takes a camera bag packed with Canon 5d4, wide angle lens, extra batteries, battery charger, flash, lightweight tripod, & extra memory cards.
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