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    “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page” St Augustine.

    How did Monty and Me come about?

    I’m a freelance writer, diehard foodie and obsessed style hack. Australian born and bred, my first overseas trip was to the UK to see family. It was December 1974. Times were so different back then. Long distance phone calls were a luxury. No internet. No mobile phones. No GoogleEarth to navigate the globe while seated at your desk. Fast forward past university, work, three children etc. until 2002 with a visit to Stockholm to catch up with old friends. To this day, my husband Monty and I continue to travel overseas when time and budget permit. Together we share a passion for adventure but we’re always conscious of budget. Luxe on less is our motto.Remember: it’s never too late to travel.

    If you can dream it…you can do it! (Walt Disney)


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